Housekeeping notes: RSS is live

Good afternoon frens. Hope everyone had a good Easter weekend.

I always thought I should write some kind of “recent changes” list for the site since I write all kinds of new features that are almost never obvious!

Today, the one I’ve added is an RSS feed. You can add it to your reader manually from


but auto detection also works (you can paste https://pyroclastica.com right into your reader app when adding a feed).

I think it’s a little rough; for one thing, it doesn’t display posts from the “Image stream” at all. But it does display all other posts! I figured, why let something so small prevent me from shipping? I can fix it later.

Eventually there will also be RSS feeds for each individual post type.

Also if you’ve never tried them, my favorite RSS reader apps are NetNewsWire and Reeder.

By the way, does anyone else remember how Feedburner used to let you submit your own RSS feed, and it would automatically turn that into an email list? So Feedburner themselves would email your subscribers whenever a new post hit your RSS feed? It looks like Feedburner might be still around, but I can’t find this feature anywhere! I have been wondering:

  1. If this is still in Feedburner, how to access it?
  2. If it is not still in Feedburner, is there another service that does similar? I would really rather not be in the business of sending my own emails!

If you know the answer to this, please email me or message me on Twitter or Mastodon!

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