resident evil 4
(Completed on 18 Jul 2024)

  • Another one which counts as “retro vidya” because the main game is pretty much exactly the 2005 original
  • You don’t get motion controls like on the Wii original, and the textures are now in HD, but I think it’s the same game besides that
  • Also includes TONS of extra content for after you beat the main campaign once
  • Even from a casual playthrough, it is easy to see how deep this game is and how well-thought-out the combat system is. I imagine that another run through on Pro mode, as well as the other game modes unlocked when you finish, are VERY rewarding.
  • It is so deep that I really found myself wishing I would have got into it back when it came out; I bet having motion controls is really special and I would have enjoyed it a lot.
  • The decision to make you, the player, an extremely fragile character, while also not taking any fall damage at all, no matter what, was a stroke of genius
  • Everything that made the first 3 games what they are can be found in re4: cheesy voice acting, cartoonish characters, the feeling of claustrophobia and not knowing what’s around the next corner. It’s all there and it all still works
  • The merchant system, and the weapon upgrades you can purchase, can potentially make each individual play through a little bit different. It’s not really like how today every single game has completely unnecessary “rpg elements,” just something you can choose to engage with if you want.
  • Considering it’s been 20 years, I’m sure this is something everyone has complained about by now, but the quick-time-events are all extremely annoying and unnecessary. Doing it during boss fights to dodge certain attacks is fine, but having to do it during cutscenes really sucks. It breaks the flow of the game completely— All anybody wants to do is get back into the awesome combat system, there is no need to delay this with pointless QTEs.
  • By and large, HIGHLY recommend, and it so so so much better than the remake.

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