Donkey Kong Country 3
(Completed on 28 Dec 2022)

  • I have played through this several times before, but this was the first time since beginning this little catalog of games beaten, so the result of this run is what’s posted.
  • Didn’t go for 103%, so obviously got the bad ending and a bad spot on the leaderboards
  • These games are famous for so much, probably not a lot new to say. I think the music on this one is almost as good as DKC2. Especially the later “factory” style levels, which at times are genuinely high-tension and scary.
  • The levels themselves I think are the hardest in the series, but this iteration of K.Rool as the final boss is the easiest. I struggled much more with the last few levels leading up to K.Rool than I did with K.Rool himself
  • The trade chain with the Bears is too simplistic and too irrelevant. They could have cut that entire aspect of this game, it does nothing at all. Would have been nice to feel rewarded for talking to them all, like completing a trade chain in Zelda.

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