- Another one to file in “absolutely not gonna 100%+ this.” It is just too boring. I love a collectathon as much as anybody, but Spyro has absolutely no payoff at all for anything you are collecting.
- The level design is hit or miss. Some areas of some levels are amazing to look at and play through. Other places are expanses of vast emptiness, or baby’s first platforming, or paths that lead nowhere and dead end. By and large, I never really found myself looking forward to the next level. Some time in the middle of the Magic Crafters world, I was ready to just hurry through the rest of the game and be done with it.
- Like almost everything else on the PSX, this was my first time through this game. It doesn’t hold up very well in Current Year.
- Credit where due: there are actual reasons why a lot of the people who worked on this game are famous now. The music and voice acting is great. The controls feel awesome; even using the d-pad instead of analog sticks is very fluid.
- By and large, that is probably the point of the game. The controls feel so good, and Spyro has so much personality, that when you’re a little kid, you can spend hours running around and flying around in these worlds and not really get bored with it.
- Insomniac probably knew what they had on their hands wrt the controls; the final boss is basically a small scale racing game, it’s not an action sequence at all.