- The PS2 original is the “canonical version” of this game, considering all the remakes and ports that came out over the years
- It’s a fun, low-stress adventure game which doesn’t demand very much of you
- Gameplay-wise, it’s not demanding much of you, but the visuals and characters and music and settings are all so good that you’re sort of willing to go along with it
- I had forgotten how much unlockable content that developers used to put in these games. While I did not do “100% completion” and get all of Lara’s little outfits and such, I can see myself going back to the game for those things. It is fun and a little jarring to see how developers used to give the fans what they want; today all that stuff would be DLC.
- The game is short (even, I think, for the time) but in its’ small package, it accomplishes what it’s trying to do. The settings are very memorable and the story (which no one even really needs in a Tomb Raider game IWABH) is coherent and interesting.
- Not all games reviewed on this site are very accessible to moderns, but I think this one is, and I can recommend it as long as you don’t come in looking for something too hardcore