Super Mario 64
(Completed on 23 Feb 2024)

  • Another game where this wasn’t my first time through it, but I felt like doing a casual run anyway. Plus at least it’s my first time doing it since starting this site.
  • I don’t think I really went for the “easiest” or “hardest” stars, mostly just the funnest ones. Stopped right on 70, then went on to the final boss. I could see myself really gettin back in to Mario 64, playing this file casually until I get all the stars.
  • My opinions about some of the levels in this game have changed a lot over the years. I used to hate Lethal Lava Land, but now I think it’s one of the funnest levels in the game. Probably top 3 funnest for sure.
  • I have also done a 180º on Dire Dire Docks. Like pretty much everyone, I used to really hate it. However, it’s not nearly as bad as you remember. I think history will be kind to Dire Dire Docks. It has some great little moments.
  • The level I most revised downward was Tall Tall Mountain. It’s boring and half the stars amount to “walk up to the top,” it starts to feel like there’s barely any gameplay to this level at all
  • Like the scoreboard says, I didn’t even make an attempt on Tick Tock Clock or Rainbow Ride. Not sure why, guess I just wasn’t feeling it this time.

GifCities →

Find cool animated gifs, like you're doing an archaeological dig. I should use some of these on this site...

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Important research in the field, from the depths of the Old Internet

Bitmap Fonts →

I tried to use some of these in the Year of Our Lord 2024 and it did not go very well... Retina displays seem to mangle them all up. But! Maybe there's a CSS declaration that can fix it. Or, maybe they would be nice for non-web stuff.

Burger Tokens →

Not a shill post, I just think there's some really cool stuff in here



Crash Bandicoot
(Completed on 19 Feb 2024)

  • It’s kinda another one of those retro games you “have to” play, being such a classic and all. This was my first time through it, I never played as a kid.
  • The first 20-30% of the game: Extremely fun! After that…. kinda a slog in places
  • There are some rough edges where it’s really obvious that everyone was still figuring out “this whole 3d thing.”
  • The ending pictured is what happens when you go straight through the regular levels, not the 100% ending. This game is too hard for my boomer reflexes, and the checkpoint system is too annoying, for me to attempt getting all the emeralds for the good ending.
  • Speaking of the checkpoint system, the one here in Crash Bandicoot might be the worst one I have ever encountered. You are only allowed to save your game when you collect 3 of a certain token on a stage, and then you have to play a “bonus stage” to the end in order to get to the Save point. You can die in this bonus stage, get sent back to the level you were on, and finish it without ever saving. At that point, you have to decide whether to attempt the level again just to get a save, or keep going and hope there are Checkpoint tokens in the next level (usually there aren’t, in back to back levels)
  • The deeper into the game you get, the worse the balancing is. I beat the final boss on my very first try. It took me probably 10 tries to beat the second boss in the game. I’m not sure this is because my skills were improving.
  • While all of the bosses are pretty easy compared to the stages themselves, even the stages get weird at the end, difficulty-wise. The last 3-4 levels are not bad at all compared to some of the really awful ones in the middle of the game.

Wi-Fi jamming to knock out cameras suspected in nine Minnesota burglaries →

Stay safe out there frens. And remember, internet-of-shit devices NOT ALLOW

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