"Lone Wolf" at Project Aon →

The classic series of solo RPGs, as interactive, miniature web apps. I did not even make it through the first book before being killed.




Metroid: Zero Mission
(Completed on 30 Jun 2024)

  • Didn’t expect to like this game very much, cause I didn’t think the source material was something that needed to be remade, but I ended up having a lot of fun with it
  • Extremely easy, which is good in this case because I have bought an arcade stick and wanted to get some practice with it. I think it’s gonna take me a WHILE to get used to an arcade stick, but simple games like this are great for learning
  • They went WAY harder than they needed to with the artwork for cutscenes and such; some of them look incredible
  • I think this was the first appearance of Zero Suit Samus? Normally I do not have the patience for stealth games, but the Zero Suit part of Zero Mission was fun and not too annoying.
  • Speaking of annoying, it was a nice touch by the developers to make sure the Mother Brain fight is just as bad as you remember. You can kinda tank your way through (like any other Metroid game) but constantly falling in the lava and getting smacked with the projectiles that fly around really captures the feeling of the original.

Choosing a Backpack is Hard →

I am currently in the market for a new overnight bag and goodness this is whole product class is daunting. I don't really care what I have to spend, I just want to get the right thing the first time and never think about a backpack ever again.

Some iOS Apps I like →

cross-posting a thread I made on Mastodon earlier. I think there's some neat stuff in here.



Ideas for Your Personal Website →

Maybe I should do some of this stuff?

dimden's hotel →

Incredible design language going on here. Very inspirational!

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